Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What is a girl to do?? POAS!

My period arrived for the first time post baby in December. I marked my calendar. I counted my days. This isn't my first rodeo. And wouldn't you know it, I was late.

I had a hard time deciding what to think about being late. My periods weren't like clockwork until I got on clomid. It was totally normal to have 28 day cycles, 32 day cycles, 42 day cycles, etc. But the calendar said I was a week late. What is a girl to do???

Well, I had planned to wait it out. No need to test. I was pretty sure we hadn't had sex at any "peak" times. I'll just wait it out. But my period didn't come and didn't come and didn't come. The calendar kept inching farther from my expected start date and closer to my best friend's bachelorette party. What is a girl to do???

So I stopped by Target to grab a few more items for my bachelorette bag of honeymoon goodies and decided to pick up a pregnancy test. (I got the 2 pack.) Woke up early Friday morning and tested. I waited my 3 minutes and the test said NO. Of course I felt the strangest mixture of emotions. Part of me was so sad. I want to be able to get pregnant on my own. Another part of me was okay though because I don't think we're ready for baby #2 just yet.

Later that afternoon as I was throwing last minute items into my suitcase my period arrived. Nice.

So, no September baby for us....which is fine and slightly depressing at the same time.

I've been down the road of infertility before. Why do I still think I make the timelines and schedules? Why do I still think I'm in control? Why can't I let go and trust the Lord?

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Any 1st and 15th Siestas out there?

I frequently read the Living Proof Ministries blog written by Beth Moore and her two daughters, Amanda and Melissa. For 2009, LPM has challenged their readers with scripture memory. The plan is to pick out a new verse to memorize on the 1st and another one on the 15th.....so if you follow the plan you'll memorize 24 pieces of scripture this year. Since over 3000 people have posted that they will participate I was wondering if any of my blog friends were. If you are, then comment so we can encourage each other throughout this year. And I'd love to know what verses you are memorizing....

My verse for the first two weeks in January is Psalm 119:9-12
How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to your word.
I seek you with all my heart;
do not let me stray from your commands.
I have hidden your word in my heart that
I might not sin against you.
Praise be to you, O Lord,
teach me your decrees.