Sunday, March 25, 2007

Our new plan....

Well we met with the RE, Dr. K, and he is wonderful. Both JW and myself really liked him. We will finish this cycle up without any medical interventions and if/when the next cycle starts we will be moving on to injectibles with IUI. This was not "new" news because I had already guessed that is what the doctor would say.

The most encouraging part of our visit was that although Dr. K confirmed that we have unexplained infertility, he was very optimistic that we can and will get pregnant. It has brought a new bounce to our step this week knowing that it can work. It also confirmed what we already knew in that we just need to trust in God's perfect timing.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And now....CYCLE 19!!!!

Today sucked. Today is the start of Cycle 19. Total bummer. Our medical intervention free cycle 18 was a bust despite perfectly timed "exposure."

Time to drink margaritas and hit the hot tub.

RE appointment in a about a week and a half.....hopefully he'll have some answers or at least know where to look.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Waiting Game....

I am waiting. I am always waiting.

I'm waiting to start the next cycle.
I'm waiting to ovulate.
I'm waiting for the ultrasound appointment.
I'm waiting for the IUI.
I'm waiting for my period.
I'm waiting for two pink lines to appear.
I'm waiting for the RE appointment.
I'm waiting for the next step in this process.
I'm waiting for my baby.

I've been waiting, waiting, waiting for doesn't get easier.

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